Know your exploitability, not just your vulnerability

Quickly discover exploitable software vulnerabilities with Am I Exploitable (MI-X), a free, open-source CLI tool from Rezilion.

Know your exploitability, not just your vulnerability

Open-source exploitability detection for containers and hosts

More than 85% of detected software vulnerabilities are not actually exploitable. Use Am I Exploitable (MI-X) to identify select high-profile CVEs within a specific host or container, and determine whether or not detected vulnerabilities are exploitable within your environment by examining all of the factors that affect its actual exploitability, such as its runtime execution, configuration, permissions, existence of a mitigation, OS, etc.


When a new critical vulnerability is discovered, run MI-X on your hosts and containers. Get the latest information about each vulnerability and its unique validation flow by following the tool's wiki in GitHub and on the Rezilion blog.


MI-X analyzes your host or container to discover presence of a specific vulnerability in your environment. MI-X currently supports Linux and will work with all of the most common Linux operating systems.


Know if the identified vulnerability is exploitable within your environment. Receive the results in with the CLI or export it as a visual flow diagram.


Use MI-X results to prioritize remediation work to address exploitable risks first and eliminate the guess-work of sifting through standard scanner outputs.

Discover high-risk vulnerabilities
Discover high-risk vulnerabilities

When a new vulnerability is discovered, quickly find if it is present in your hosts and/or containers.

Know your exploitability
Know your exploitability

Find out if the vulnerability on your specific compute is exploitable to ascertain your true risk.

Shorten your attack window
Shorten your attack window

By understanding the different elements that impact exploitability, prioritize remediation according to true risk to reduce your exposure window.

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Detect all software vulnerabilities, determine exploitability at scale and remediate automatically. Get Rezilion.